Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Normal days...

I have to admit, I am not especially inspired this morning.  Ice Age is playing for 30th time this week, I should be getting dressed for a normal day at work (if there is ever a "normal" day in a salon), and I really have no mishaps or shenanigans to share.  Wait- let me try.

We had macaroni and cheese last night.  It was good.

Langston is great at the potty.

I found a gallon of milk in my car with my nose.  Yes.  Disgusting.

I mopped the floor this morning.

I have to make a "no sexting" sign for my chair at work.  It really has become an issue.

See?  Nothing really.  I do have two hundred and forty cupcakes to bake in the next two weeks, so I have been preparing menus and shopping lists.  For instance, I need 36 sticks of butter.  If you ever want your stomach to turn against baked goods, unwrap 36 sticks of butter in a week.

So.  Gross.  

Trust that there will be photos of hundreds of cupcakes this week and next, but in the spirit of current normality, I will share with you some pics of our little man from the weekend.

Yes, he is this stunning- most of the time.

And happy.

And goofy.

And almost all boy.

And sometimes he sits, but rarely.  I am sure he just fell.

And sleeping.  Is there anything more precious?

Normal days- Even in the "Bee" house.  We all need them, even though they don't make for good writing.

Stay tuned.

Have a beautiful day.

Rachel Bee


  1. have a beautiful normal day, my friend.

  2. oh my - people are sexting while in your salon chair? How completely hilarious/awful that must be to witness.

  3. thanks, karla. has been.

    @brooke- you have no idea!
